We specialise in all manners of professional tree services while operating under the philosophy that “Your Recommendation is our Reputation”
Felling & Stump Removal
We use only the safest methods of felling, where possible felling the tree whole, as you would in a forestry style situation.
Crown Reduction, Thinning & Lifting
Crown reduction is the process of reducing the size of the tree’s overall canopy. This involves shortening the tree’s branches evenly throughout.
Pollarding & Deadwood Removal
Pollarding is a severe tree pruning technique that involves lopping off most of a tree’s branches where they meet the trunk.
Hedge Cutting & Trimming
We have all the equipment and ability needed to tackle hedges of all sizes, from small landscaped hedges to large perimeter hedgelines.
Garden Clearance
We are able to clear your garden for you which will in turn allow you to begin any landscaping works.
TPO Enquiries & Applications
We are able to act as your agent and can process all Tree Preservation Order enquiries and applications for you